MTN Febuary 0.0kobo Unlimited Cheat for PC users Via Simple Server


Lets go straight to the point>>>>

Follow the steps below ( for PC Users To Browse With MTN Unlimited Free Surfing Via SimpleServer)

Step 1: Download and extract this customizedSS-for-Mtn-N0.0kobo Surfing to
a new folder on your desktop background.

Step 2: Connect Your Modem Using:
 Proxy: leave it blank
 Port: leave it blank

Step 3: Open the file you extracted, double-click "SimpleServer.exe"and minimize it, make sure its always open.

 Step 4: Configure your Browsers and IDM to Proxy: ,Port: 8080

Remember to tick: "Use this proxy server for all protocols" if you want it to open all secured sites.

 Have Fun !.
